STEAM Information/ English Version

The Institut of Tecnificació has been participating in the STEAMcat Innovation project since the 2021-2022 academic year. Gradually and thanks to the centre’s team of professionals, we are implementing STEAM methodologies that respond to four purposes: educational improvement, the reduction of inequalities, the care of people and digital transformation. These objectives are arranged in various areas of knowledge in order to provide the best educational response to the training needs of our students.

The level chosen to work extensively on the project is 3rd ESO. In this course there are different ways of STEAM work. Firstly, there is the STEAM subject which includes one hour per week of the four STEAM subjects at the centre: Science, Technology, Art and Mathematics. These working hours revolve around a common centre of interest.

Secondly, concentrated multidisciplinary projects are carried out, that is to say, with the presence of all subjects at the end of each term. But we don't just implement STEAM at 3rd ESO, but over the years we have expanded the methodology to other levels, so we have promoted an initiation project focused on 1st and 2nd ESO called "tasting" and also a reminder in the 4th year of ESO, in which a joint project is carried out from different subjects.

The STEAM methodology has been extended to Vocational Training Cycles. In the 2022-2023 academic year, in the training units of the Guiding and Orientation cycle, technologies were used for the design and realization of orienteering courses with the Iorienteering application, which solves problems of recording itineraries and makes it easier to share them with other groups. We have also worked with similar applications such as Wikiloc and Kamoot. The use of technologies is very complementary to traditional techniques, especially if other areas such as languages have to be involved.

These projects align with the Sustainable Development Goals of the agenda to Transform our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

All the agents involved at the centre work in the project so that the students are able to advance in the development of the ability to act in complex and unforeseen situations by applying the knowledge learned.

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